BMW wil Husqvarna overnemen?

Gestart door Schmetzke, 16 maart, 2007, 19:35:17

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Hmmm... dat BMW wil snoepen van het offroad/supermotard segment was al langer duidelijk...

De geruchten dat BMW Husqvarna zou willen overnemen gaan ook al langer...

Vertaling van:

Claudius Castiglioni, president of the Group MV Agusta The Husqvarna has been scorporata from the Group MV Agusta and will become society to being himself. For a long time it is spoken about a interest of BMW to the historical transferred Swedish company to Varese (limitedly to the comparto motorcycle) in 1987, in the optical of a strategy of expansion of the German brand in the cross-country vehicle, and this is the reading key that some operating ones have intentional to give to the operation. For Claudius Castiglioni, president of Group MV, from we interpellato by telephone, the scorporo instead is motivated from a search of greater managerial efficiency. "To have three he marks, everyone of which work on various segments of market and with a great variety of products, involves not little problems trained to you and of management. The supplier of pneumati to us, as an example, sends us rubbers for models of marks various and only invoiced to the Group MV Agusta. Hour there will be invoices with different headings and useless confusions will not be created and waste of time". - It therefore asserts that the separation of the Husqvarna brand from the Group MV Agusta re-enters in one normal operation of operating rationalization. She excludes therefore that features of one moved preparatoria to the cession of Husqvarna-Motion to BMW? "The purposes of the scorporo are those that I have already specified. With BMW it has been dialogue and I cannot exclude that tomorrow negotiations set off also trade them, but at the moment whichever hypothesis of cession of one of our companies is premature". The curious matter is that in the official notice that the MV have sended i to mayoralties, it is spoken about cession of a branch of company (the Husqvarna, exactly) to a "Costituenda society" and that the passage would have to be completed within the month of July 2007. A lot remains therefore to clear on purpose of this scorporo, that it little follows that one already carried out with the company branch that produced to chassis and members, the Telca Spa. To fine March there will be a reunion chiarificatrice between the representative property and the trade-union ones, than in they communicated, published on Internet relatively the "MV Augusta" (possible that also who constructs does not know to them to write the correct name of the MV) they during the last few years express strong perplexities on the vicissitudes of the Group.

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Vanmorgen gesproken met Frans Vangenechten (Husqvarna dealer), volgens Frans is de overname door BMW pas in januari 2008 van kracht. Hij kom me wel al verklappen dat het hele logistieke gebeuren volledig gereorganiseerd gaat worden en dat de een cilinder divisie van BWM nauw gaat samen werken met Italie. Als alles goed is hoeven de dealers volgend jaar niet meer zo lang op hun onderdelen te wachten zoals dat nu het geval is.
Smells like rubber


CiteerVandaag zijn de handtekeningen gezet door Dr. Herbert Diess (BMW) en Claudio Castiglioni. Daarmee is de overname van Husqvarna door BMW definitief. De nieuwe managers van Husqvarna zijn Rainer Thoma (Ontwikkeling, produktie en verkoop) en Thomas Moser(Financiën en personeel). Voorheen fungeerde zij op management niveau bij BMW. Het hoofdkantoor van Husqvarna blijft in het Noord-Italiaanse Varese.

Munich. Following the signing of the contract by the current president of BMW Motorrad, Dr Herbert Diess, (member of the board of BMW AG since 01/10/2007), and Claudio Castiglioni in Milan yesterday, the new managers of Husqvarna Motorcycles have today been named. Rainer Thoma is in charge of Business Operations (development, production and sales) and Thomas Moser of purchasing, finances und personnel. Both were previously employed in managing positions at BMW Motorrad and BMW AG respectively.
The takeover of Husqvarna Motorcycles by BMW is now legally closed. The company headquarters remains in the north Italian province of Varese as do business management, development, production and the central sales and marketing activities. At the international level, operational sales remain in the reliable hands of worldwide importers.

Bron: BMW
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