the Roadrash queen: 1 year later: zonde he??

Gestart door DeWitte, 09 oktober, 2006, 19:08:46

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The Roadrash Queen Brittany: zonde he van zo'n alleraardigst ding ? :cry: Wel dapper dat ze haar hele verhaal incl. pics om I-net zet. :wink:



CiteerFor those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I was in a motorcycle "accident" on September 25th.  I say "accident" because it wasn't a crash at all, more of a bad dream come true.  

Here's the jist of it: I was a passenger on my friend Shaun's GXSR 750, we were going extremely fast on highway 550, that means about 120mph.  I had my hands resting on the gas tank, like usual, I was NOT holding onto Shaun like I should have been. My helmet visor flipped open, pullling my head up and back instantly, which made me sit straight up and lean back on the passenger seat, as I had no grip on anything tangible.  Sitting up at 120mph hit me so hard and fast that it ripped me off the back of the bike.  

I tumbled 522 feet down the highway and slid to a stop across the yellow lines just before mile marker 8.  The guy riding behind us said I looked like a bag of trash rollin' down the highway, and he had to swerve to avoid hitting me.  I ended up on my stomach, with my right arm pinned underneath me and my left arm extended out onto the road.  My clothes were shredded, my helmet was fucked, and my shoes were gone... they had all been claimed by the cement.  

My injuries included, but were not limited to, 55 percent body coverage of third degree "pavement" burns , which we lovingly call road rash.  To get an idea of what this means, some of my bones (such as knee caps, and elbows), tendons (again, in the knees and fingers), and even internal organs (down my left side where I initially hit the ground) were exposed, and chunks of muscle and skin were completly missing.  I lost half of my left breast. I also dislocated my right big toe and severed all the tendons in my left pinky finger.  However, I didn't break any bones!  This is probably because I went limp, as I just wanted to die while I tumbled down the cement. The ambulance arrived 45 minutes later because we were out in the middle of nowhere (Indian Reservation). Once the Paramedics realized the extent of my injuries, they called the helicopter out and flew me to UNMH, where I stayed until just yesterday

Haar hele verhaal is hier ter leering van eenieder te lezen :?

Brittany Morrow
Treat every problem as your dog would: If you can't eat it, fuck it or piss on it, then walk away


Citaat van: "Dwars"The Roadrash Queen Brittany: zonde he van zo'n alleraardigst ding ? :cry: Wel dapper dat ze haar hele verhaal incl. pics om I-net zet. :wink:

CiteerFor those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I was in a motorcycle "accident" on September 25th.  I say "accident" because it wasn't a crash at all, more of a bad dream come true.  

Haar hele verhaal is hier ter leering van eenieder te lezen :?

Tja Brittany, ik meen dat 120 mph toch een dikke 190 kmh zijn. :yes6rs:
Ieder z'n hobby, maar om met losse handjes bij die snelheid achter op een brommer te gaan zitten is erg .... ehh 'blond'.

Inderdaad knap om dan jezelf letterlijk 'te kijk' te zetten op internet om je stommiteit nog eventjes te vertellen en te laten zien. Respect ! :worship-cool:

gr. HD4ever.
"Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them"

crazy j

heb t hele verhaal op internet gelezen
niet normaal wat die heeft meegemaakt
respect ervoor dat ze dit allemaal zo verteld
living the life the way it comes


dik 190km/h zonder beschermende kleding? die shaun horen ze op te knopen! kijk je hoeft imo niet altijd ingepakt enz. op je fietsje te stappen, maar dan moet je wel ook naar omstandigheden rijden...dat doe ik nog  :shock:

"....may the grip be with you!..."


Vind het tof dat Brittany, dit zo op internet zet!!!
Echt respect voor deze meid hoor. :thumbsup:
You may own the bike, but the bike possesses you.


opeloos benzine verslaafd...